If you don't find the answers to your questions here, contact us at info@ndcconferences.com.

When will I receive my ticket?

You will receive your tickets by email a few weeks before the event. Present the ticket to an NDC staff member upon entering the venue and you will be given your conference badge.

I selected the invoice payment method. Why didn't I receive an invoice with my ticket confirmation?

Your invoice and ticket confirmation are sent in separate emails. They should both arrive within 24 hours. Please check your spam filter. If you did not receive your invoice and ticket confirmation please email info@ndcconferences.com.

How do I add a PO to my ticket purchase?

Email your PO to info@ndcconferences.com after you have ordered, along with your ticket number.

I bought a Hotel Package, when do I check-in?

All-Access Pass w. Hotel: Check-in 27 Aug - Check out 1 Sept - 5 nights

3-Day Conf Pass w. Hotel: Check-in 29 Aug - Check out 1 Sept - 3 nights

2-Day Workshop Pass w. Hotel: Check-in 27 Aug - Check out 1 Sept - 2 nights

Hotel confirmations will be sent out the week before the conference.

How do I book the workshop I want to attend?

A workshop registration email will be sent to you 2 weeks prior to the event.

What’s the schedule for the event?

NDC Copenhagen is a 5-day event with 2 days of deep-dive workshops followed by 3 days of conference sessions.

  • Workshop dates: 28-29 Aug, 9:00 - 17:00.
  • Conference dates: 30 Aug - 1 Sept, 9:00 - 18:00

Will sessions be recorded?

Yes, all sessions are recorded and will be made public on our YouTube channel approximately one month after the conference.


How can I be a speaker at NDC Copenhagen?

The Call for Papers is not yet open.

What happens if the event is cancelled?

If the conference is cancelled or postponed, tickets will remain valid, and can be used at the next in-person event. Alternatively, attendees can opt for a full refund, or, a partial refund with access to the online version of the conference.